Love Up to the Stars!
Friday, January 06, 2006
Worthy because I'm Loved
"Some things are loved because they are worthy," and some things are worthy because they are loved. That is us in Christ. We are worthy because of His love." --author unknown to me

I'm trying to be a good Christian friend to my dear friend who has fallen away from Christ. The other night when we were talking he told me that he wasn't worthy of my love and friendship. He's told me on many occasions over the years that he wasn't worthy of me. I wish I had that quote when we talked. I said something along similar lines to him. The truth is I am no better than him. ALL of us have fallen short of the glory of God. We have ALL gone astray. No one is guilt-free. God doesn't measure our sin, we do that! We say this sin is worse than that one. God sees sin, no matter what. All sin separates us from him. Some sin in its nature has deeper consequences, but all sin is sin and has the greatest consequence of all: a life without God. I am a sinner saved by grace. I accepted forgiveness. I have HIs love. And so in His love I'm made worthy.

I make mistakes daily! I'm always falling down and getting back up again. I'm not perfect. None of us are, whether we are Christians or not. I am definitately not "worthy" in and of myself. I am worthy because I am loved by the most wonderful person in all the universe: Jesus Christ. Anything good in me is His love pouring out of me because His spirit lives in me. I make different choices in my life because I have chosen to live for Him. I don't always make the right choice on a day to day basis. But I have made the biggest choice of all: I've accepted Him as my Savior. And when I mess up now, His grace covers my sin--love, His love, covers a multitude of sin!

Maybe you are reading my blog today , and you want to know more about this love that I am talking about. Maybe you do not feel worthy. Maybe you've been carriying around guilt and shame that has become more than you can bear. Maybe you are tired of the voices that say that you'll never be good enough. Maybe you are tired of crying yourself to sleep at night. Maybe you are alone, and are even contemplating ending your life. I think you are precious. You are made in the image of your Heavenly FAther who loves you so much. Read a beautiful letter all about his love for you at : God loves you so much, and He knows everything you are going through. And you don't have to go through another day alone. He'll be with you. He will be your strength and hope.

Maybe you are reading my blog today, and you were raised in the Christian church just like my friend. Maybe you've heard all this before, believed it, and even shared these things with others! Somewhere down the road life happened. Reality sunk in. You saw how ugly and how difficult this world is. And you wonder, where was God when my mom died? Where was God when my step-dad abused me? Where was God when all those kids teased me at school. Why wasn't He there then? Why did He make me go through all that. OR maybe you've heard so much about God and you're sick of it. You've been so hurt by His people. After all, they are just a bunch of hypocrites. Unfortunately, God has been misrepresented by the very ones who are supposed to be representing Him! And He has been painted as the one who has left you abandoned you. Maybe you were told that you didn't "pray hard enough." OR Maybe you were told that there was some sin in your life. Whatever you've heard, you've been painted a picture of a God who was not there for you. But that's not the truth. And that's not the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible is a God who is constantly pursuing you because He loves you so much that HE sacrificed His own son so that you may forever be His child. Our world is corrupted and fallen and unfortunately bad things happen to good people. People make their own choices: free will. And diseases, death--these are all part of a fallen world. While God sometimes does directly intervene, sometimes He just walks by our side and comforts us. He's there for us. And if it seems that life isn't "going are way"...God has given us the best thing of all: the promise of heaven. While we are here on earth, He'll be there. Maybe you don't feel Him today..You can't see him.....will you trust His heart?

My prayer is that you would accept God's precious gift of love. A brand new start is yours today, and a personal relationship with God. Meeting God is as simple as receiveing Jesus into your life. Ask Him to meet You where you are. If you are not sure that you've accepted Him and you want to, then make this your prayer today, accept Christ into your heart and life and receive His presence and the promise of heaven:

Dear Lord Jesus, I need You...I need Your grace to forgive me and I need your love to change me. Thank You fo Your amazing love. Thank You for giving me eternal life. Above all, thank you for dying on the cross for me. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Now I am a Christian, which means You are living in me. I beling to You. I will live my life for You and I will love You forever. Amen.

If you've prayed this prayer or you're not sure/confused/have questions, drop me a note! I want you to live a beautiful life that's full and rich and I want you to find that strength for all your days. I wish you the very best in this new year. Remember, You are worthy because You are loved. So loved.
sent to the stars at 12:54 PM
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