Love Up to the Stars!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
God's love is incomprehensible! Today, do you really know that God's love for you is incomprehensible? And I"m not just talking about those who believe in Him and have accepted the life we have in His Son. Today, whoever you are, whatever you have done, God loves you. My God is not willing that any should pership but that ALL should receive the eternal life found in His Son. There is not a particular number of people He sent His Son to die for. Jesus came for each and every life. He came because of God's incomprehensible love. Today, if you think there is any reason at all why God's love cannot reach down to you, why there would be anything that would make you unlovable to Him, consider this:

I have been sick all week, and in the process have catched up on a lot of television! Well I was watching my favorite channel. I don't have cable, just local tv and I am so blessed that they have added a 24/7 Christian channel to our local tv stations! I absolutely love it and have been getting so encouraged in the Lord! Anyway, I was watching my favorite Christian talk show, Joni. She's the Oprah of the Christian world!! She had an interview with Steve Saint and one of the tribal men that killed his father. For those of you who do not know, Steve Saint is Nate Saint's son, and one of the missionaries that the movie "End of the Spear" is about. Nate Saint and the other missionaries were so compelled with the love of Christ that they had to share the gospel with them and tell them of the wonderful salvation and love we have in Christ. Instead they lost their lives without telling them because they speared them. Years later the widows and relatives of these missionaries went back and they did share the gospel with the very people who killed their husbands, brothers, friends. Today Steve Saint considers one of the men who killed his father to be family. He calls him grandfather! This is God's incomprehensible love. You cannot comprehend how these families could not only have forgiven these people but continued to share the gospel and then dwell with them as family.

I haven't seen End of the Spear yet by the way. I will have to wait for the dvd release, and I can't wait! What an amazing story. I totally loved hearing the interview. Steve Saint has such a heart for God. It was a blessing for me to watch this and get to know the real story because I never knew all that! It was a blessing to because if I hear one more Christian who won't see the movie because the person playing Nate Saint and Steve Saint is gay, I will just lose all my patience! It's a real slap in the face too, because God has called me into a ministry for homosexuals and their families. And it does not help when Christians act like homosexuality is the unpardonable sin! First of all, I don't know about you but I expect a non Christian to act like a non Christian. This doesn't shock me. And yet homosexuality seems so much more terrible to some Christians than murder. God doesn't compare sins like this. Sin is sin. And homosexuals are hurting. Most have been through some horrible experiences growing up. They are in desperate need of God's love and grace just as you and me! They also need to understand and be shown how their same sex attractions developed. They have real feelings and feel real attractions and to just say you weren't born gay but not explore with them how they came to this point, leaves them just angry because they really really think they were born that way. Unless they are shown, unless you take the time to really explore with them how they eventually came to the point of even thinking about this (and this means you yourself must have an understanding of homosexuality, more than just the Bible says it's wrong!). When we have this type of attitude we only push them away more. And we paint such a terrible picture of our God. They don't want to know about a God that they have been persuaded hates them.

Anyway, one of the parts that really touched me is they showed a clip of Chad Allen and he said that Steve came up to him, put his arms around him, hugged him and told him thank you for doing this. Steve wanted Chad for this part. To play him and to play his father. And just think, Chad walks away from this learning about who God really is. Not about the inccorrect image of God he has received from the so called Christians at gay pride and aids events that hold up signs saying that God hates them. But about the God whose love is incomprehensible! And I went to Chad's website and he was talking about the film and you could tell it was more than just a film he acted in. He knows this is a real story, this is someone's life. And he got to share Easter sunday with Steve Saint and the tribal people. Chad walks away getting the message of the gospel, which is something that wouldn't have happened had they said, no you can't play this part because you're gay! What if Chad had played in Brokeback Mountain instead?

I truly believe it was not a mistake that Chad played in the movie. I believe it's exactly what was meant to happen and I truly believe God used it in Chad's life. I believe seeds were planted. Now instead of putting our hands on our hips and saying I'm not seeing this movie because the actor is gay and that is just so wrong because this is a Christian movie and this and this (by the way, are all the other actors Christians? and what about people who have played Jesus, is anyone worthy for that role?). ---Instead of all this, let's pray that the seeds that were planted in Chad would be watered. That God would use this in his life to bring him to Him. Consider this: Imagine if Chad accepts Christ and finally knows the truth that he was not born gay and can change. What kind of impact would he have? Imagine how many more could come to a knowledge of the truth? So instead of assuming that this was a mistake. Let's pray about how God may use this to reach people who would not otherwise have seen this movie, and to reach Chad himself.

Today, are you leading people to Christ and the incomprehensible love of God or away from Him? Christ didn't say go out and preach the gospel to everyone but this and this person and to those speak God's judgment. He said to share it with everyone! And we know through the end of the spear story that God loves everyone and wants them to come to a knowledge of the truth, even murders of His own people (just like the murderers of His Son) and yes even someone like Chad Allen. Do you have a Chad in your life? Someone you've give up on. I promise you, he is still listening. They don't stop listening. I know that for a fact. Choose your words wisely, and know that it is your life that speaks more than anything. Share the gospel with everyone God brings in your life, if necessary use words.

sent to the stars at 10:45 AM
  • At Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:53:00 AM, Blogger no_average_girl said…

    hey star...thanks so much for the prayers and comments! you have been an awesome friend for the past few years! we've been through some struggles together, and you're one awesome person! thanks so much!

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