Love Up to the Stars!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Waiting for My Life to Begin...
Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling of "agh...I just want my life to begin!" Do you know what I mean? You've been living for x number of years, yet you're waiting for that one "moment" when your life really begins. Everything before that moment seems like a test run. Ok, I have tried this out, got a feel for how it works, and now it's time to really accelerate. I kind of feel like that right now. I feel like I am standing at the crossroads between what has been and what I desperately want there to be. I want a change. I need a change...

Closely connected with this feeling is that over-arching question of life, "What is my purpose?" or "What is God's will for my life?" Almost 2 years ago I met Gloria Gaither and heard her talk about God's will for our lives. She talked about how we spend so much time trying to figure out God's will, and we miss it. She explained how God will for us lies in all those "interruptions" when we are trying to do what we believe God wants us to do. When Jesus walked the earth he had a teaching ministry yet that ministry was constantly interrupted. People would come to him with all their needs; they sought healing. His ministry may have been teaching but God's will lied within all those interruptions.

The point is that every moment of life is God's will for us...there is no grand moment when we discover, "aha, this is God's purpose fore me." "Yes, my life has finally begun!" His will for us...our life's wrapped up in every moment...even those times when we feel like we are "waiting" for whatever it is we are waiting for.

John Waller has a song on the radio that goes "While I'm waiting...I will serve you...While I'm waiting...I will trust you...While I'm waiting..." Our life has already begun, and God's purpose for us lies in every day and the choices that we make. We often get so wrapped up trying to find that special purpose that we believe God has for us, that we miss out on what He is trying to teach us and how He desires to use us along the way. While we are waiting...for something to change...God desires to change us and use us to inspire others in the changes that they too need to make. There's purpose in suffering...there's purpose in the darkest moment in our lives...and that purpose is not in concentrating on how we're going to get out of that situation but on how we respond to that situation while we're waiting for better days.

While we're waiting for our next step, God desires to use us to mop those steps...make them shine a little brighter. Sure those steps are just a bridge from where we are to where we need or want to be, but many people will walk on those steps in their own journey. How can we make their journey a little more meaningful because we chose to fully live out that dark moments of our lives with meaning and significance?
sent to the stars at 2:23 PM
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