Love Up to the Stars!
Monday, January 18, 2010
New Year...New Beginnings
The new year brought us a little snow, although nothing like the Christmas "snownami." I love snow. I know many people do not. I cannot understand how anyone cannot absolutely love snow. I think snow is God's reminder that every day is a new beginning and, no matter what happened yesterday or who you may have been in the past, God offers another chance. Today is a brand new day, and all can be forgiven by the One who can make you white as snow.

I was completely ready for a new year, as 2009 was a difficult one. I'm ready for change. I'm ready for God to do something new in my life. I think I often focus on what I want God to do around me that I sometimes miss what He is waiting to do inside me. This year, I want to always be listening for His voice and ready to act on all He would have me to do. I think of John Waller's song, "While I'm Waiting." What are we doing during the in-between times? What are we doing while we are waiting for God to unfold his hopes, dreams, and purposes for us? What are we doing while we are waiting for God to open doors we never dreamed possible? How we wait makes a difference and truly shows our trust, obedience, and love for our Lord. God will give us the desires of our heart when our heart's desire is Him.

I do not know what 2010 holds for me, but I know the One who holds every day in His hand. Nothing will happen this year that will take Him by surprise. The good and the bad...He already knows all about it. No matter what happens all around me, I know He will always be beside me. There will never be a day that He doesn't desire to use me. On the very worst day of this new year, He will still have a purpose for me. He will still be waiting to shine His light in me and through me.

New Beginnings: Every day, every moment we live on this earth, is a new beginning. Yesterday is gone, and we cannot change a single moment of it. We can however allow God to change us now in this moment. Shattered hopes and dreams are just threads in His tapestry, for the Master Weaver can transform anything into a beautiful masterpiece. Impossible people, situations...nothing is too hard for Him. And what He really desires is to renew and restore each one of His children who will humbly meet Him at the foot of the Cross. Yes, I'm ready to begin anew....


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